Category: Uncategorized

  • PMR446 Band in Australia

    I would like to propose a controversial use for the European PMR446 Band of Channels here in Australia. If the ACMA were to agree to the use of the band here they could be used by both Amateurs and Non-Amateurs to liaise with each other for educational purposes and also public safety purposes like CFA,…

  • Who likes Nets?

    On the VK Repeater Linked System there are many nets each week to participate in. The first is my Weekday Welfare Net that I run Monday to Friday at 10am Australian Eastern Standard Time or 0000 UTC. This Net is primarily to check in with Amateurs and their families that they are safe and well.…

  • Let’s all work together

    Helping new people to the hobby of radio, be it CB or Amateur Radio should be done in a friendly and positive way to ensure that these new commers to the hobby learn what is correct and right. Maintaining a standard of operating ethics within the hobby is vitally important to keeping the hobby alive…

  • When Education Fails

    obviously there are some out there that deliberately break the rules, for them there is ENFORCEMENT ACTION. They have been warned.

  • VK2ACR Another Cretin on Radio

    Cappacino is sprouting SHIT again to his bum buddies on his private Facebook Group slandering me as per usual. The truth is that VK4LA and VK4SDD support and assist ILLEGAL use of Baofeng radios on UHF CB and random commercial frequencies via their Facebook group. I suggest Cuppacino pulls his head in and stops his…

  • Education is important

    Education is so important to maintain the hobby of radio to ensure new comers to the hobby, whether it be on CB or Amateur Radio. Ensuring these new users are taught right from wrong from the beginning will hopefully keep some sort of stability and standards in the hobby. But when you have the likes…

  • VK3RES Back on air

    The VK3RES 439.150 MHz Gateway is now back on air, with the assistance of the Doctor, Tim VK3TIM writhing a new configuration file for the node and sending it to me. He then talked me through the process of restoring the system and getting it back on air. A HUGE thank you to the Doctor…

  • AX Prefix for ANZAC Day

    ANZAC Day is a significant day for many Australians to remember those who served their country in times of war. As such on the 25th of April each year Australian Amateurs are permitted to use the AX prefix instead of VK for the day. Listen out for AX3XEM on the day as I celebrate those…

  • VK3RES issues

    Just an update that VK3RES 439.150 MHz computer is currently unstable, resulting in crashes and not recovering. It is being looked into but may result in some down time occasionally until it can be addressed.

  • 5G SIM only mobile plans in Australia

    I recently updated my phone to a 5G capable phone and have always researched SIM only plans that do not lock me in to a contract, so this time I wanted to be able to make use of my 5G device. I found many companies offering trial 5G plans that would revert to 4G after…